Our best rooms available;
Choose from our two styles to fit your mode of comfort
Kuroshio Honjin's guest rooms all come with an ocean view, allowing guests to see the Pacific in all its seasons.
Baths include two types; an open-air seawater bath and a relaxing indoor bath hall. Beyond the steam of the springs awaits sunrises on the ocean's horizon or a night sky, perfect for gazing at the stars. Meanwhile, a soak in our indoor rust-stone and white granite baths will soothe your body and rejuvenate your spirit.
For families and friends looking for a more at-home atmosphere, we recommend Kuroshio Honjin's cottages. With 6 cottages available, each cottage comes with picturesque views of the fishermen's town and Futanajima (one of Kochi's ten most scenic views).
Main Building
Within Kuroshio Honjin's Main Building are 11 rooms: 8 Japanese-style rooms, 2 Western-style rooms, and 1 Japanese/Western-style mixed room. All rooms come with a breathtaking view of the Pacific.
Kuroshio Honjin's cottages are the perfect getaway resort for families and small groups. Honjin's 6 cottages are located on the mountain side of the Main Building and each come with a kitchen, bathroom, toilet, air-conditioning, TV, and refrigerator in a 2LDK (2-bedroom, living room, dining room, kitchen) layout. From the terrace, you can gaze upon the waves of the Pacific.
Days Closed
2nd Thursday of the month (subject to change on holidays)
Communal bath hours
For guests staying overnight
6:00AM - 9:00AM and 3:00PM - 11:00PM
For regular guests
10:30AM - 4:00PM and 6:30PM - 8:00PM
Adults: 600 yen, Children: 300 yen
Note: The Communal Bath is closed every Thursday from 10:30AM to 4:00PM and can only be used from 6:30PM - 8:00PM (EXCLUDING the 2nd Thursday of the month).